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Kanji for GEN

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kanji for mutter, grumble, murmur
mutter, grumble, murmur
ゲン つぶや.く
GEN, tsubuya.ku

kanji for all, same
all, same
カン ゲン

kanji for vicious, cruel, severely, extreme
vicious, cruel, severely, extreme
ガン ゲン コン もと.る
GAN, GEN, KON, moto.ru

kanji for cramps
ゲン ケン

kanji for faint, dizzy
faint, dizzy
ゲン カン げん.す くるめ.く まぶ.しい くら.む まど.う めま.い
GEN, KAN, gen.su, kurume.ku, mabu.shii, kura.mu, mado.u, mema.i

kanji for crawl, creep, grovel, trail (vines)
crawl, creep, grovel, trail (vines)
シャ ゲン は.う は.い むか.える この
SHA, GEN, ha.u, ha.i, muka.eru, kono

kanji for gunwale
ゲン ふなべい ふなばた
GEN, funabei, funabata

kanji for show off, display, pretend
show off, display, pretend
ゲン ケン てら.う
GEN, KEN, tera.u

kanji for inkstone
ケン ゲン すずり
KEN, GEN, suzuri

kanji for proverb
ゲン ことわざ
GEN, kotowaza

kanji for strictness, severity, rigidity
strictness, severity, rigidity
ゲン ゴン おごそ.か きび.しい いか.めしい いつくし
GEN, GON, ogoso.ka, kibi.shii, ika.meshii, itsukushi

kanji for serious, untouched, solemnly, majestically
serious, untouched, solemnly, majestically
ゲン いかめ.しい おごそか
GEN, ikame.shii, ogosoka

kanji for verification, effect, testing
verification, effect, testing
ケン ゲン あかし しるし ため.す ためし
KEN, GEN, akashi, shirushi, tame.su, tameshi

-kagiri ability actual akashi all ancient apparition arawareru arawasu beginning best bowstring boy chord cliff cord counterfeit cramps crawl creep cruel curtail decline decrease detest dislike display dizzy dotted dream dwindle effect existing extreme eyeball faint fake field fist former funabata funabei GAN GEN gensu get GON grovel grumble gunwale hai hara hate hau herasu heru hiko honest hungry hypotenuse ikameshii illusion inkstone ito itsukushi iu iya kagiri kagiru KAN KEN kibishii kirai kirau kobushi KON kono koto kotowaza kuramu kurumeku lad limit maboroshi mabushii madou majestically manako me meadow memai minamoto moto motoru mukaeru murmur music mutter mysterious name occultness of off ogosoka origin original phantasm place plain prairie present pretend primitive proverb reduce respectful restrict rigidity same samisen say serious severely severity SHA shirushi show solemnly source stern strictness string suzuri tameshi tamesu terau testing time to trail tsubuyaku tsuru tsutsushimu tundra type untouched verification vetch vicious vines vision wilderness

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